commercial risks

Commercial Risks


Rapid changes in legal, economics and technology are creating increasing exposure to professionals and businesses. We offer expert risk advisory and risk transfer solutions that help identify, quantify and manage all possible risk exposures.

With deep understanding of different business practices, company cultures and statutory regulations, this enables us to apply relevant expertise to analyse, manage and identify critical risks arising from your daily operations.

Our distinct collective intelligence clearly defined insurable commercial risks of your business nature that helps to develop explicit solutions, assisting to fulfil your business obligations, critical issues and securing aligned cover at a sustainable premium.

Services are delivered through proven insuring network from panel of insurers whose portfolio consist of companies of all sizes across all industries, possess high underwriting capacity and extensive experience to offer favourable terms that is extremely applicable to protect your business and assets.

What We Offer

A collective intelligence of understanding your business nature to identify critical risks arising from your daily operations.

Property & Casualty Risks

Wide range of plans to cover your business and the liability that comes in specific industries.

Financial Risks

Extensive portfolio of plans to cover directors and professionals from business liabilities.

Professional Indemnity

Architects & Engineers faced numerous civil and legal obligations in event of negligence allegation or failure fulfilling their professionalism.


01. Business Interruptions

02. Cyber Attacks

03. Directors Liability

04. Fire and Explosion

05. Loss of Reputation/ Brand Value

Plans that cover every aspect

Bringing the best valuable propositions to all our commercial clients

Property & Casualty Risks:

This insurance provides cover for loss of gross profit arising from interruption to the business caused by fire, lightning, explosion and other related perils, consequential loss is also known as Business Interruption.

What can be covered?

  1. Continuing overheads that must be met despite interruptions.
  2. Declared Gross Profit
  3. Extra Expenses incurred to minimize dislocation and restore normal trading conditions as soon as possible such as auditor fees, surveyor fees, professional fees.
  4. Wages/Payroll of employees who are retained during interruption.

This Insurance provides cover for your plant and machinery from any sudden and unforeseen physical loss or damage as well as any faulty design to your plant and machinery not known to you.

What can be covered?

  1. Loss of profits due to unforeseeable breakdowns
  2. Replacement or net book value of the machinery

Key underwriting points

  1. How frequent is the maintenance being conducted?
  2. Any designated personnel to operate this machine or open to all staffs?
  3. Staffs that operated this machine, how long have they been working in this industry and any certifications that certified them to operate this machine?

This insurance covers your property against physical loss of or damage caused by fire and, or lightning, explosion, aircraft damage, bursting and overflowing of water pipes, earthquake, windstorm, volcanic eruption, hurricane, cyclone, typhoon including full flood, malicious damage, riot and strike, smoke, vehicle impact damage and other insured perils.

This insurance is also known as Property All Risks

What can be covered?

  1. Contents and renovations
  2. Fire, burglary and flood
  3. Fixtures and fittings
  4. Office equipment
  5. Plate glass
  6. Stocks in trade

Burglary cover can be extended in this insurance policy either on 1st Loss Basis or Full Sum assured. Fire cover can be arranged as a standalone policy to cater for specific requirements such as Tenancy Agreement.

Key underwriting points

Underwriting this risk will depend on how well are your client’s fire and theft preventive measures. Underwriter will also look at the structure of the building and the surrounding premises operating businesses.

This insurance protects organizations from loss of money, securities, or inventory resulting from crime. Common Fidelity claims allege employee dishonesty, embezzlement, forgery, robbery, safe burglary, computer fraud, wire transfer fraud, counterfeiting, and other criminal acts.

What can be covered?

  1. Loss of physical monies or financial losses due to dishonesty or fraudulent act of employees

Key underwriting points

Client must provide relevant permanent employees’ details that are responsible to handle the company’s monies.

Details as in:

  1. Name and ID number
  2. Designation and Job Scope
  3. Length of employment

This insurance provides coverage in respect of loss of money from any cause whilst money is in the personal custody of the Insured’s authorized employees, during transit or on your premises, whilst open for business and/or whilst kept in a locked safe or drawer overnight.

What can be covered?

  1. Money in transit
  2. Money in premises

Key underwriting points

  1. Appointed security personnel or firms to transit the money
  2. Reasonable security facilities in place such as CCTV, Safe and internal auditing

This insurance cover provides indemnity to an Insured for his legal liabilities as well as legal liabilities of his representatives and employees arising in connection with the Insured’s business, carried out at and from the specific place of business.

The American wording version of Public Liability Insurance is known as Commercial General Liability.

What can be covered?

  1. Liabilities for bodily injury and damage to property of others are covered subject to specified maximum limits arising out of one occurrence.
  2. Legal costs and other charges and expenses are also payable when incurred, subject to Insurance Company’s written consent.
  3. This policy may also cover for care, custody and control and completed operations depending on your client business model and the insurer risk appetite.

This insurance provide compensation to employees and their dependents for personal injury/death by accident arising out of and during the course of employment. The liability may rise out of the Work Injury Compensation legislation or at Common Law.

The Work Injury Compensation Act (WICA) lets employees make claims for work-related injuries or diseases without having to file a civil suit under common law. It is a low-cost and quicker alternative to common law for settling compensation claims

The Work Injury Compensation policy covers the employer for such liabilities in respect of specified workers and is compulsory as per Section 23 of the Workmen’s Compensation Act 1975, in Singapore.

What can be covered?

  1. Medical expenses
  2. Medical leave wages
  3. Lump sum compensation for permanent incapacity or death
  4. Travelling back and forth from work

This insurance provides comprehensive coverage and protects a company’s assets against catastrophic pollution claim which can bring huge financial stress to a company. This insurance can be customized to suit specific industry.

What can be covered?

  • 3rd party bodily injury
  • Emergency response costs
  • Environmental damage
  • Property damage

Environmental Liability Options:

  • Blanket pollution legal liability and scheduled pollution legal liability
  • Contractors pollution liability
  • Contractors professional and pollution liability
  • Excess environmental policy
  • Follow form excess
  • Healthcare organization environmental liability
  • Primary environmental policy

This insurance cover manufacturers that may be held liable for bodily injury or damage to property of others caused by defective products. The cover under this policy operates in respect of liabilities arising out of the use of specific product. Policies are issued subject to maximum limits of indemnity.

How to define the maximum limits of indemnity?

There is no precise basis of measurement to derive a “right limits”. Having said so, a possible indicator to come up with a reasonable max limit of indemnity is by the scale of the company operations and the net assets value.

This insurance provides cover in the event of accidental product contamination or a government recall triggered by the relevant authority.

What can be covered?

  • 1st party bodily injury
  • Property damage
  • Malicious product tampering
  • Product extortion

This insurance covers expenses associated with recalling a product from the market and is typically purchased by manufacturers not limiting to food and beverages, toys, electronics companies. This insurance can be purchase as a standalone or an extension to a product liability insurance.

What can be covered?

  • Customers notification cost
  • Disposal costs
  • Shipping costs

This insurance covers against accidental breakage of glass as well as costs and expenses of shoring and propping of the damaged portion(s) of the insured plate glass.

What can be covered?

  • Replacement value up to the sum assured
  • Removal of debris
  • Cost and expenses of shoring and propping

Financial Risks:

This insurance provide cover for Directors & Officers and company itself in the event of regulatory investigations, being sued for discrimination or wrongful dismissal of employees, defamation or any other allegations of management errors.

What can be covered?

  1. Cost of legal representations and other defence cost
  2. Damages awarded or legal settlements
  3. Document and Data Protection
  4. Emergency Defence Cost
  5. Employment Practices
  6. Lifetime cover for Retired Directors
  7. Non-Executive Directors

This insurance offers coverage to companies preparing to make an IPO as there can be considerable risks in this process, and insurance protection is recommended to cover the company, its officers and directors, the underwriters, and other parties involved in the process.

An IPO insurance policy covers several liability issues associated with the IPO process

What can be covered?

  1. Prospectus – the document company uses to disclose information and market the IPO to prospective investors.
  2. Cost of litigation – Liability incurred by the Directors and Officers, its underwriters

This insurance provides financial protection for professionals to meet the costs of defending legal actions and any damages that may become payable to third parties who have sustained financial losses due to the professional negligence of the Insured or their employees.

Who are considered professionals?

  1. Accountants
  2. Auditors
  3. Architects and Engineers
  4. Consultancy Firms
  5. Doctors
  6. Employment Agencies
  7. Lawyer
  8. Telecommunication
  9. Technology
  10. Teaching Organization
  11. Travel Agencies

What can be covered?

  1. Defamation
  2. Defence Costs
  3. Loss of documents
  4. Intellectual property rights infringement
  5. Professional Liability

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This insurance provides cyber protection against coordinated or intentional confidential data breaches.

What can be covered?

  • Business interruption
  • Cyber security failure
  • Cyber virus attacks
  • Data hacking
  • Employees sabotage or lapse
  • Pilferage of sensitive information

This insurance can be customized in accordance to the dynamics of the companies’ operations so to ensure that the features can respond promptly in the event of an malicious cyber attacks


This insurance provides all risks cover against loss or damage to property and third party liability on accidental bodily injury or property damage in connection with the performance during the contractual period.

What can be covered?

  1. Material Damage – Provides cover for loss or damage to the contract works caused by unexpected physical loss or damage during work on site other than those specifically excluded.
  2. Third Party Liability – Provides insured legal liability against accidental bodily injury or property damage to third parties directly in connection with the contract works.
  3. Workman Compensation – Provides protection for the workers performing works directly in connection for the contract. 10% to 20% of the contract value as the sum assured.

This insurance covers the loss or damage of ships, cargo, terminals, and any transport or cargo by which property is transferred, acquired, or held between the points of origin and final destination. Cargo insurance is a sub-branch of marine insurance, though Marine also includes Onshore and Offshore exposed property.

Incidents like piracy and possibilities like cross-border shoot-outs also pose a major threat when it comes to water transportation and therefore in order to avoid any loss because of such events and happenings, in the interest of the corporation and the transporter, it is always beneficial to have a back-up like a marine insurance.

What can be covered?

  1. Marine cargo
  2. Marine vessels
  3. Marine Liability

Our motor insurance platform provide wide range of selections for private & commercial vehicles We provide you with best quotes fulfilling your needs. Think smart. Act smart, be a smart driver for your passenger and vehicle today!

Benefits of our Motor Insurance Plan:

  • 24-Hours Hotline
  • Accidental loss/damage to your vehicle
  • Death or bodily injuries to third-parties
  • Personal Accident to the Insured
  • Passenger risk and liability
  • Strike, riot and civil commotion
  • Third Party Cover
  • Third Party Property Damage
  • Third party liability including property damage, bodily injury and legal service


If you have any questions regarding our products & services, request a callback from us and we will get back to you the next day