Professional Indemnity

Professional Indemnity


Architects & Engineers faced numerous civil and legal obligations in event of negligence allegation or failure fulfilling their professionalism.

GRINWEIV Architect & Engineers Pro Indemnity Insurance is forged to response against wide range of claims notifications, to protect the reputation and financial liquidity of our clients.

Core Benefits

  • Advancement of defence costs and investigation costs
  • Continuous cover for past projects that are not under claim notification or investigation
  • Defence costs reimbursement up to policy limit
  • New subsidiary automatic cover
  • Unintentional wrongful professional advises &/or services

Extended Benefits

  • Breach of Confidentiality
  • Compensation for Court Attendance
  • Crisis Management Expenses Cover
  • Defamation
  • Extended Notification Period
  • Fraud and Dishonesty
  • Intellectual Property
  • Joint Ventures
  • Keyman Loss Extension
  • Loss of Documents
  • Transaction Run Off Cover
  • Vicarious Liability Cover

Optional Benefits

  • Mitigation Cover
  • Disputed Fees
  • Principals Indemnity Limit
  • Reinstatement of Limit
  • Guaranteed renewal rates

Common Exclusions

  • Non-compliance of professional conduct such as deliberate acts
  • Non-compliance of statutory requirement of materials used
  • Director’s Liability
  • Insolvency
  • Cyber Attack

Common Architecture Design Flaws in Private Homes

  • Awkward spaces
  • Bad materials
  • Improper sizing of windows
  • Not enough lightings
  • Not enough natural light
  • Outdated or irrelevant design
  • Too much storage space


Get A Quote

Max Lee

Senior Risk Specialist
Portfolio Manager for A&E Pro Indemnity
+65 9838 8482

Justina Low

Risk Specialist
+65 9747 1303

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. It is mentioned in Architect Act Part VI, Clause 24.

Depending on your contractual requirements and annual turnover. The common limit applied ranges from S$1Mil to S$3Mil.

Usually the policy offers worldwide excluding USA & Canada cover. Firms can request to include USA & Canada cover with additional premium.

Yes. The usual deductible is $10,000 and shall be higher if cover is extended to USA & Canada.

Insolvency and deliberate acts of fraud and dishonesty.

Yes you can subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.

Yes. They are covered under vicarious liability.